Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Illustrated Litany of Loreto #43 - Comforter of the Afflicted

This image is meant to be reminiscent of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

You can buy a print of this image here.
You can buy a t-shirt with this image here.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Illuminated Gospels: Thomas Finis/Incipit

This plate marks the delineation between the Infancy Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Thomas proper.

The Illuminated Gospels: Luke 1:46-55

This prayer of Mary is called the "Magnificat" by Catholics, who hold it in special esteem. In fact, it is not uncommon to find it in Catholic psalters amidst the hymns of David.

Friday, October 5, 2012


This piece was originally published in the 2003 Issue of The Traveler, where it received Honorable Mention in Drawing. The quotation is from one of Dante's minor poems.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Illuminated Gospels: Matthew 24:30b

You can buy a print of this image here.
You can buy a t-shirt with this image here.

Be My Beatrix

Give me just a little light to see.
Save me by being mine, girl
And death and hell and the raging world
Will never prevail against me.

Clothe my soul in holy fire
And lead me up to Light.
Stand and chase away from me the night
And absolve my every dark desire.

Only let me look at you awhile;
I'll give you my heart of stained glass
And you will be my beatrix. Alas!
Only save my soul with a smile.

I've made for you this art.
And I believe there are
Still knights in shining armour,
But we only wear it 'round our hearts.

So shine down on me a little
And lead me up to God.
Would you connect me with love to Love?
Would you my beatrix be?

You say - you say you love
But you don't speak Love
Or you'd understand when I say:
Your eyes transfix me...

(This piece was originally published in the Spring 2005 issue of Poetic Hours.)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seven States of Consciousness

You can buy a print of this image here.
You can buy a t-shirt with this image here.

The Heretic

And so do I renounce my faith,
Consigned to wander all my days,
Abstaining forever from the sacraments
that are woman.
Neither shall I recant or confess.
I will never seek to enter the Holy Place
Or exchange the kiss of peace again.
Alone, I shall worship none;
No priestess will hear my sweet confession,
For I was in love with Love,
And He has been unkind to me.

(This piece was originally publish in the 2005 issue of The Traveler, where it was awarded Honorable Mention in Poetry.)


Look not at me with daggers,
When you look me in the eye.
My eyes may flare like comets
Beneath this scarlet sky,
But how different is this pirate
From thine own accusing eyes?
Do not point a finger irate
Nor cry hypocritic lies.
I am no worse than you are,
No more bloody black my role.
I may indeed show more scars,
But you hide more in your soul.

(This piece was originally published in the 2004 issue of The Traveler, where it was awarded 2nd Place in Poetry.)

Untitled (Still Life)

This was published in the 2003 issue of "The Traveler," having received 2nd Place in Drawing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Illuminated Gospels: Matthew 24:29

You can buy a print of this image here.

Illustrated Litany of Loreto, #38 - Ark of the Covenant

The Virgin Mary as the Ark of the Covenant

Illustrated Litany of Loreto, #40 - Morning Star

Illustrated Litany of Loreto, #37 - House of Gold

You can buy a print of this image here.
You can buy this image on a t-shirt here.

Portrait of Hassan-i Sabbah

 "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

You can buy a print of the image here.
You can buy a t-shirt with this image here.

The Illuminated Gospels: Thomas 1:13d


A note on the translation:

A note on my rendering of the Gospel of Thomas

My rendering of the Gospel of Thomas was made with the use of materials (including a very thorough interlinear translation) at the Gospel of Thomas Resource Center (http://gospel-thomas.net). My thanks and acknowledgement to Michael Grondin, for providing them and granting his permission for me to use them in aiding my own work.

The Fifth Five

You can buy a print of this image here.
You can buy this image on a t-shirt here.

The Illuminated Gospels: Mark 1:12-13a

You can buy a print of this image here.

Sacred Heart

A Devil Meditating on the Works of Origen



Self-Portrait as the Seven Sacraments

This is the "title page," if you will.

You can buy a print of this image here.